Uploading Files

The easiest way to upload media to your server is with the MediaUploader class, which handles validating the file, moving it to its destination and creating a Media record to reference it. You can get an instance of the MediaUploader using the Facade and configure it with a fluent interface.

To upload a file to the root of the default disk (set in config/mediable.php), all you need to do is the following:

use MediaUploader; //use the facade
$media = MediaUploader::fromSource($request->file('thumbnail'))->upload();

Source Files

The fromSource() method will accept any of the following:

  • an instance of Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\UploadedFile, which is returned by $request->file().
  • an instance of Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File.
  • a URL as a string, beginning with http:// or https://.
  • an absolute path as a string, beginning with /.

Specifying Destination

By default, the uploader will place the file in the root of the default disk specified in config/mediable.php. You can customize where the uploader will put the file on your server before you invoke the upload() method.

$uploader = MediaUploader::fromSource($request->file('thumbnail'))

// specify a disk to use instead of the default

// place the file in a directory relative to the disk root

// alternatively, specify both the disk and directory at once
->toDestination('s3', 'user/john/profile')


Specifying Filename

By default, the uploader will copy the source file while maintaining its original filename. You can override this behaviour by providing a custom filename.


You can also tell the uploader to generate a filename based on the MD5 hash of the file’s contents.


You can restore the default behaviour with useOriginalFilename().

Handling Duplicates

Occasionally, a file with a matching name might already exist at the destination you would like to upload to. The uploader allows you to configure how it should respond to this scenario. There are three possible behaviours:


// keep both, append incrementing counter to new file name

// replace old file with new one

// cancel upload, throw an exception


The MediaUpload will perform a number of validation checks on the source file. If any of the checks fail, a Plank\Mediable\MediaUploadException will be thrown with a message indicating why the file was rejected.

You can override the most validation configuration values set in config/mediable.php on a case-by-case basis using the same fluent interface.

$media = MediaUploader::fromSource($request->file('image'))

    // model class to use

    // maximum filesize in bytes

    // whether the aggregate type must match both the MIME type and extension

    // whether to allow the 'other' aggregate type

    // only allow files of specific MIME types

    // only allow files of specific extensions
    ->setAllowedExtensions(['jpg', 'jpeg'])

    // only allow files of specific aggregate types


Handling Exceptions

If you want to return more granular HTTP status codes when a Plank\Mediable\MediaUploadException is thrown, you can use the Plank\Mediable\HandlesMediaUploadExceptions trait in your app’s ExceptionsHandler or in your controller. For example, if you have set a maximum file size, an 413 HTTP response code (Request Entity Too Large) will be returned instead of a 500.

Call the transformMediaUploadException method as part of the render method of the exception handler, and a HttpException with the appropriate status code will be returned. Take a look at the HandlesMediaExceptions source code for the table of associated status codes and exceptions.


namespace App\Exceptions;

use Plank\Mediable\HandlesMediaUploadExceptions;

class Handler
    use HandlesMediaUploadExceptions;

    public function render($request, $e)
        $e = $this->transformMediaUploadException($e);

        return parent::render($request, $e);

If you only want some actions to throw an HttpException, you can apply the trait to the controller instead.


class ExampleController extends Controller
    use HandlesMediaUploadExceptions;

    public function upload(Request $request)
        }catch(MediaUploadException $e){
            throw $this->transformMediaUploadException($e);

Importing Files

If you need to create a media record for a file that is already in place on the desired filesystem disk, you can use one the import methods instead.

$media = MediaUploader::import($disk, $directory, $filename, $extension);
// or
$media = MediaUploader::importPath($disk, $path);

Updating Files

If a file has changed on disk, you can re-evaluate its attributes with the update() method. This will reassign the media record’s mime_type, aggregate_type and size attributes and will save the changes to the database, if any.
